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Builders and Remodelers:

Does that Insurance Certificate your Subcontractor Gave You Really Protect You?

By Steve Snyder, Attorney at Law

That Certificate of Liability Insurance your Subcontractor’s Insurance Company provided you may not cover your Company and the Insurance Company knows it (and they are hoping you don’t!)

I represent a lot of builders and remodelers and they all know that when they are hiring a subcontractor, they need the subcontractor to provide them with a “Certificate of Liability Insurance.” What they often do not know, and the insurance company does, is that the insurance certificate you were provided probably will not protect your company in the event you need to make a claim. Insurance companies do it all the time, and they do it on purpose. And if you don’t know what to look for, you could have a serious problem in the event you need to make a claim…with your subcontractor’s insurance company and with yours as well!

A client of mine in the roofing business had it happen to him and it has cost him tens of thousands in attorney fees and potential liability of close to $200,000.00 to pay for a mishap on the job site that should have been covered by his subcontractor’s insurance company.

The roofing company, we will call them ABC Roofing, signed a contract to put a new roof on a commercial building. ABC then contracted with a subcontractor to do the roof. ABC required the subcontractor to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance, which they did, with ABC Roofing printed right on the bottom of the certificate under the heading “Certificate Holder.”

Both contractors were not aware that the roof on the building had leaked for years and the substructure was in bad shape. On the first day of work a section of the roof collapsed. Luckily, no one was injured or killed.

The owner of the building made a claim to his insurance company for nearly $200,000 to put a new roof on the building and remodel the inside of the building, claiming the work was necessary because of the damage caused by the roof collapse. Two years later, the Owner’s insurance company filed a suit against ABC to recover the money they paid to the Owner. Its what the insurance industry calls “subrogation.” They also named the Subcontractor in the suit but he was no longer in business.

ABC figured this would not be a problem because he had obtained a Certificate of Liability Insurance from the Subcontractor. However the Subcontractor’s insurance company declined the claim. The reason for their denial? The Certificate of Liability Insurance provided by the Subcontractor’s insurance company named ABC Roofing as a “CERTIFICATE HOLDER.”  What the Certificate did not do was name ABC Roofing as an “additional insured.” Insurance companies do this all the time, hoping the contractor is unaware of the difference between a “certificate holder” and an “additional insured.” And often the contractor is not aware of the difference.

So, after being denied coverage by the subcontractor’s insurer,  ABC went to his own insurance company, who he had been paying insurance premiums to for years. And guess what his insurance company told him? That’s right! They denied the claim because ABC was supposed to be covered by the Subcontractor’s insurance company.

If you want to know how the story ends, give me a call. But more importantly, if you have not talked to a lawyer who specializes in construction law, give me a call. I will be pleased to review all of your contracts and make sure you are protected. You can reach me at (717) 975-7799 or check out my web site at

Construction Worker Misclassification. - Are You Hiring Employees, Independent Contractors, or Subcontractors?


Steven R. Snyder, Esquire

If you are classifying individuals that do work for your company as independent contractor instead of employees in order to cut down on your employee payroll costs, you may be making a costly mistake.  Moreover, if you are legitimately hiring individual subcontractors, or at least you believe you are, and not taking very specific precautions, you may be making the same costly mistake, a mistake that could put your company out of business.

Nearly every state has started to crack down on companies, particularly in the construction business, who hire individuals to work for the company and classifying them as independent contractors, issuing them a 1099 at the end of the years. Most of these states are now performing audits to ensure that your workers are not improperly misclassified and the results of misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor can expose your company to civil and criminal penalties, stop-work orders, and potential law suits.


In Pennsylvania, a new, “Construction Workplace Misclassification Act” (43 P.S. §§ 933.1 – 933.17) went into effect on February 10, 2011. However, the new law had not been aggressively enforced under the then, Republican administration.  Under the current Democratic Administration, beginning in 2015, the Department of Labor and Industry has been aggressively auditing 

construction companies and strictly enforcing the law.


In the past, the determination as to whether a worker was an employee or an independent contractor was decided by weighing a number of factors handed down by the courts over years of case law.  Under the new Pennsylvania law, that system is completely replaced.  Under the new Law, an individual who performs services in the construction industry for remuneration will only be considered an independent contractor for purposes of workers’ compensation and unemployment compensation if ALL of the following criteria are met:

     (1)        The individual has a written contract to perform such services.

     (2)        The individual is free from control or direction over performance of such services both under the contract of service and in fact.

     (3)        The individual is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession or business providing the same construction services.

     (4)        The individual possesses the essential tools, equipment and other assets necessary to perform the services independent of the person for whom the services are performed.

(5)        The individual’s arrangement with the person for whom the services are performed is such that the individual shall realize a profit or suffer a loss as a result of performing the services.

     (6)        The individual performs the services through a business in which the individual has a proprietary interest.

     (7)        The individual either:

           (a)        previously performed the same or similar services for another person    in accordance with the new law, while being free from direction or control over performance of the services, both under the contract of service and in fact; or

          (b)        holds himself out to other persons as available and able, and in fact is available and able, to perform the same or similar services in accordance the new Law while being free from direction or control over performance of the services; and

     (6)        The individual maintains liability insurance during the term of this contract of at least $50,000.

     (7)        The individual maintains a business location that is separate from the location of the person for whom the services are being performed.

The Pennsylvania Law provides for Civil Penalties for Failing to Properly Classify an Employee of up to $1,000 for the first violation and up to $2,500 for each subsequent violation and in Pennsylvania, misclassifying multiple employees would be treated as multiple violations to the Act. In addition, in certain cases, a court may issue stop-work orders.  Criminal Penalties for Failing to Properly Classify an Employee Employers, officers or agents who intentionally violate the Act can be convicted of a misdemeanor of the third degree for the first offense and a misdemeanor of the second degree for a second or subsequent offense, which can be punishable by imprisonment. Similarly, employers, officers or agents who negligently violate the Act can be convicted of a summary offense and be sentenced to pay a fine of up to $1,000.


The Pennsylvania law affects your hiring of subcontractors when the subcontractor is an individual.  As a result you must meet the same criteria as above.  And it will be you, the contractor, who will have the burden of proof that your subcontractors are in fact subcontractors, and not another of your employees.


First, you will want to have a written contract with each and every subcontractor…FOR EACH PROJECT. Yes that’s right, a blanket contract with a subcontractor collecting dust in a file will not cut it.  And that contract, while not being the only requirement, will want to be very specific in the requirements the subcontractor must meet in order to be considered a subcontractor and in order to work for your company.


You will want to verify that your subcontractor has the required insurance, not just the first time you use him or her, but that the insurance is in effect each year and has not lapsed.


As you can see, the Pennsylvania Construction Workplace Misclassification Act is extremely onerous on the Contractor, and the law in other states are equally as onerous.  In spite of your best efforts, you may not be 100% sure you are in compliance. The best way to be in as good a position as possible is to (1) take the opportunity to review both your Subcontractor Agreements and your actual practices with a knowledgeable employment law attorney, and (2) keep good records.


Under the New Jersey Independent Contractor Misclassification Regulations, the definition of “Employment” is the same as  N.J.S.A. 34:20-4 (commonly referred to as “the ABC Test”) which provides that, “services performed in the making of improvements to real property by an individual for remuneration paid by an employer shall be deemed to be employment unless and until it is shown to the satisfaction of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development that:

       (a) the individual has been and will continue to be free from control or direction over the performance of that service, both under his contract of service and in fact; and

       (b) the service is either outside the usual course of the business for which the service is performed, or the service is performed outside of all the places of business of the employer for which the service is performed; AND

       (c) the individual is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession or business.

Employer who fails to properly classify an individual as an employee, and as a result, fails to pay wages, benefits, taxes or other contributions required by any of those acts, may either be:

     (1) Guilty of a disorderly persons offense and shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 or be imprisoned for not less than 10 nor more than 90 days, or both. Each week, in any day of which an employee is misclassified and each employee so misclassified, shall constitute a separate offense; or

     (2) If the failure is done knowingly, guilty of a crime of the second degree if the contract amount is for $75,000 or above; guilty of a crime of the third degree if the contract amount exceeds $2,500, but is less than $75,000; and guilty of a crime of the fourth degree if the contract amount is for $2,500 or less.

In addition, the violator will be deemed to have caused loss to the employees in any amount by which the employees were underpaid in connection with the misclassification and shall be subject to the provisions of N.J.S.2C:43-3 regarding fines and restitution to victims. i.e. the employer will have to rpay the employee the unpaid amount the employer thought he or she was saving by classifying the workers as independent contractors.

New Jersey also has a section 44:20-7 entitled Suspension of contractor’s registration. You can imagin what that section provides for

If you would like to review your employment and subcontract agreements and your current operation, for Pennsylvania, New Jersey or other states where you do business please feel free to give Attorney Steve Snyder a call at (717) 975-7799 or email Steve at  As I always advise, now, before the auditors contact your business to set up an appointment, or an “independent contractor” files a workers comp or unemployment comp claim against you, is the time to review your practices and procedures.

Steven R. Snyder

Attorney at Law


Kathy Snyder


(717) 991-5375 Voice and Text

Fax: 717-526-2044